Laboratory assistant of medical prophylactic institutions
Direction: Clinical medicine
Faculty: Laboratory diagnostics
The term of study 2 years.
Specialty: Laboratory assistant of medical prophylactic institutions
Subject titles:
Group: a group of humanitarianand socio-economic subjects
- History of Turkmenistan
- Digital economy
- Fundamentals of the legislation of Turkmenistan
- Fundamentals of Social Sciences
- Modern Turkmen society
- Physical education
Group: A group of general mathematics and natural science subjects
- Modern computer technology
- Ecology and environmental protection.
- General chemistry
- General biology
Group: A group of general specific subjects
- English by profession
- Russian by profession
- Latin by profession
- Analytical chemistry
- Basics of traditional medicine
- Anatomy and physiology
- Medical psychology, ethics and deontology
- Basics of pharmacology
- Public health organization
Group: A group of special subjects
- Basics of nursing affair
- Pathological anatomy
- Clinical pathology
- Laboratory techniques
- Histology and methods of histological researches
- Microbiology and methods of microbiological researches
- Fundamentals of clinical laboratory research methods
- Biochemistry and hygiene research methods
- Medical parasitology
- Infectious diseases and epidemiology
- Medical help in emergency